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Virtual Group Tour to Egypt with Wander

Virtual Group Tour Egypt with Wander

Yesterday, we had an opportunity to join the Egypt Tour virtually using Wander apps with our Oculus Quest 2. Egypt is famous for it Great Pyramid of Giza which is the largest Egyptian pyramid and it served as the tomb of pharaoh Khufu, the ruler during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. During this guided tour, we managed to explore various important part of ancient Egypt like pyramid, sphinx, tomb and many more..

How the Virtual Egypt Tour Looks Like?

First of all, we found out about the tour from “Wander VR Travel Club” Facebook page. It is a group for virtual travelers that are using Wander apps to share their experiences and provide support to each other.

The tour is organized by Trey Fern and Vanessa Homedew. They have arranged few slots for this tour and we pick the one around 11am Eastern Time.

Since Wander limits the multi-player to 6 persons per session, it is a first-come-first-serve basis. Luckily, we are able to catch the tour as the last person 🙂

One more thing, you need the password to enter and you can get it from their posts in “Wander VR Travel Club” page.

Egypt Tour Location in Wander Dashboard
Egypt Tour Location in Wander Dashboard

More on the Egypt Tour Using Wander…

At the start of the tour, we are straight away transported to the top of Egypt and over seeing the whole scenery like a bird. We can see the top view of the pyramids and the city near them. Below is the picture on how it looks like…

Start of Virtual Egypt Tour
Start of Virtual Egypt Tour

From there, we hopped or jumped from sites to sites like pyramid, sphinx, museum, tomb etc. We are not just travelling outside the sites but also go inside them as well.

Along the tour, Trey and Vanessa shared and explained the interesting information, facts and history behind the sites. Overall, it took around 30 to 45 minutes to complete the tour.

Screenshots from Virtual Egypt Tour…

Below are some of the screenshots that we took during the tour. Hope it can give you some idea how the virtual tour looks like..

Close Up of Pyramid
The Close Up of the Pyramid
Escalator Inside Site
Escalator Inside Site. It looks too deep inside…
Side View of Sphinx
Side View of Sphinx

During the tour, we just realized that Sphinx is a lot smaller than the Pyramid. Before this, we thought their size are nearly the same.

Front View of Sphinx
Front View of Sphinx

No wonder we think it that way previously. It’s because from this perspective, both Sphinx and Pyramid looks like they are having the same size. You really need to see it in VR to appreciate the difference, guys 😉

Prehistoric Dinosaur Skeleton
Prehistoric Dinosaur Skeleton
Marvel at the Ancient Hieroglyph at Pyramid
Marvel at the Ancient Hieroglyph at Pyramid

Yeap, the great, great, great grandfather of Emojis…

Statues at Egypt Tour
Statues at Egypt Tour
Inside one of the Site during Egypt Tour
Inside one of the Site during Egypt Tour
Inside one of the Site during Egypt Tour
Inside one of the Site during Egypt Tour
Another Statues During Egypt Virtual Tour
Another Statues During Egypt Virtual Tour
Tomb in Pyramid
Tomb in Egypt Tour
Another Tomb in Pyramid
Another Tomb in Egypt Tour
Tomb of King Tutankhamun
Tomb of King Tutankhamun

Tomb of Tutankhamun or its code number, KV62, is the burial place of Tutankhamun aka King Tut (reigned c. 1334–1325 BC), a pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt.

For your info, this tomb is the most legendary tomb of all and became the most famous find in the history of Egyptology. Some also thought that the tomb is cursed because right after its discovery, there are several mysteries or incidents happened along the way.

And below is our last check-point of the tour, looking all the six majestic pyramids from far away.

End of the Virtual Egypt Tour
End of the Virtual Egypt Tour

From the tour, we can feel that both Trey Fern and Vanessa Homedew have put a lot of their effort, homework and preparation prior to this since the journey or experience from site to site are very smooth. Furthermore, their explanation and presentation are very concise and clear. Good job, guys!!

Where Else Can I Watch or Experience It?

Just in case you missed it, you can watch the recorded tour via “Anthony and Trey” channel in YouTube…

Ancient Egypt Tour Using Wander Apps

Anyway, we still recommend you to catch the tour in VR since the experience will be much, much awesome like you are really there and “inside it”.


Simply said, it is such a wonderful experience for us. It is a very memorable moment to see the size of the pyramid and sphinx in front of us, although virtually.

Thank you to Trey Fern and Vanessa Homedew for organizing and putting all this together. Can’t wait to join their other virtual tours. Soon, the next virtual tour will be at Rome in August. See you there 🙂

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