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Virtual Free Range

VR for Animals: Second Livestock with Virtual Free Range for Chickens

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Recently updated on December 27th, 2019 at 05:09 pm

What?? A VR system for animals too? That sounds a little bit crazy. Well, an assistant professor from College of Design of Iowa State University (ISU), Austin Stewart, might have a way to make it happens. His latest project called Second Livestock is conceptually designed to fool the chickens by making the chicken believe that they are on a large and open field. In this project, Stewart’s main objective and goal is to treat the farm animals as humane as possible while they are breed in cages, barns or facilities where the space is too small for them to wander around. This can help to minimize their stress or depression level and thus making them more healthy and produce better quality of eggs and meat.

VR for Animals such as Chickens
Photo illustration of how Farm Animals such as Chickens use VR. (Image courtesy of Austin Stewart)

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